The Great Little Round Thing Mystery

I’ve always said I could never be a detective. Someone will say to me, “Did you see the rock on her finger?” And I’ll be thinking, “Oh, did she have hands?”

I’m just not observant. That’s what I’m saying.

So when M is trying to tell me something, but his descriptive words are “stuff” and “thing,” you can imagine how much fun we have with these mysteries.

Take this week’s shopping, for example.

M was complaining that there was nothing to eat in the house. Plenty of ingredients, but no food. So I asked him what he was looking for.

I was especially interested, since the two of us had been to the grocery store together on Saturday (instead of me ordering the groceries online) and he had walked up and down every aisle. I thought he had gotten everything he wanted.

Evidently we were missing “those round things.”

That was all I got for a description – those round things. So I started guessing. Cookies, apples, Reese’s peanut butter cups, grapes . . . I tried everything I could think of.

Nothing I said was right. M didn’t get frustrated or upset. He laughed at all my guesses, but he kept insisting I was wrong and that he was looking for “those round things.” Then he started making a motion with his hands that looked more like a stick.

I thought maybe we were talking about something round, but long. So, I started guessing hot dogs, pickles, string cheese, pretzels. Still no.

Finally, I decided to go about this in another way and asked if you would eat this for breakfast.


Lunch? Yes. Dinner? Yes.

I came up with more questions and finally got to . . . you’re never going to believe this . . . Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls. You know, those round things.

I’ve already placed our online order for groceries Saturday and we have two boxes of those round things coming our way. Those round things that you would eat for lunch and/or dinner. My question is – what’s next?

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