Alert and Alarmed

It’s probably been over a year now since I’ve had M set up with all sorts of vitamins and supplements . . . and several times a day in which to take all these lovely pills. I don’t really think they’re doing anything for him, but it gives us the illusion of doing SOMETHING.

Anyway, I set up a system of alarms on his cell phone to alert him when it’s time to take his next set of pills. I’ve noticed for the past few weeks that he seldom – if ever – takes the pills at noon, but I thought he and our Younger Son (YS) were probably out, running around, and just missed it.

I’ve found out differently.

YS let me know last night that M is letting the alarm (which is just music playing on his phone) play and play and play until the phone stops itself. Then it will start again, five minutes later. But instead of turning it off and taking his pills, M will get angry with the phone and either hit it or throw it across the room.

And the pills still don’t get taken.

The morning pills and evening pills were getting taken, because I’ve been there to oversee them. It’s the ones due at noon that are the problem.

So . . . I’ve taken the alarms OFF his phone and put them on mine. And I’ll call him when it’s time to take his meds and give him a gentle reminder to take them.  And now that it’s not so hot out, he can also take the dogs for a short walk.

Pills and alarms aren’t the only thing M’s losing patience with. Yesterday, the Atlanta Braves and Cincinnati Reds played a 13 inning Game 1 in the National League Wild Card game . . . neither team scored a single run until the bottom of the 13th inning when the Braves FINALLY scored! M went on and on and ON last night about how ridiculous the game was. Just ridiculous.


I’ll admit, I was at work during the game, so I couldn’t see it – I could only listen online. And there’s nothing more boring than a game in which NO ONE scores. But ridiculous? Come on!

He’s living the life of Reilly, sitting at home on a beautiful day, watching a baseball game. I don’t think it gets much better than that.

Disappointment for our oldest grandson, though. His Cleveland Indians were eliminated by the New York Yankees. Boo!

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