Whose Bright Idea Was This?

I just want to know – who had the bright idea to get our house all fixed up and ready to sell? Who thought it would be such a GREAT idea to do all these home improvement projects? Yes, I know it was me – but I’m also aware that this has to be one of the WORST ideas I’ve ever had.

Good gardens, as my friend Nancy would say, I’m exhausted!

And I know we have thrown out, donated and otherwise gotten rid of a TON of our “stuff.” Plus, we rented a storage unit for the furniture from our den while the new flooring is installed.

So why is EVERY SINGLE ROOM IN THE HOUSE filled to over-flowing with . . . well, there’s no other way to describe it . . . it’s crap!

I can’t find anything. I’m lucky to be able to cobble together an outfit to wear to work every day.

This is ridiculous!

I have to say, though, M is handling the chaos pretty well. He woke up before I did this morning (some time between 5 and 6 am) and I heard him eating breakfast before my alarm went off at 6. He didn’t know why he had gotten up – he just did.

Some friends of ours invited us to come to their house and pick persimmons over the weekend. There was a part of me that felt like we didn’t have time, but it’s hard to say no to persimmons, so we went. We had fun and got some beautiful fruit.

The hard part comes when it’s time to get the pulp from the seeds – it’s hard work and you can only do a few at a time. But it’s so worth it when it’s time to make persimmon pudding.

I actually had someone message me and ask what else they could make besides persimmon pudding. Umm . . . hello? Google? You have a tool, right at your fingertips. USE IT!!! You would have been proud of me – I was nice about it. I just said that Google was my friend.

M did get a little testy when we were trying to crack open the persimmon seeds to see what the weather is going to be this winter. It’s an old wives tale – if you crack it open and you see a spoon, that means you’ll be shoveling a lot of snow; if you see a knife, there will be winds that will cut right through you; and if you see a fork, it means a mild winter.

Here’s the one seed we managed to crack open:

I see a spoon – lots of snow.

We were trying to open more seeds, but M got frustrated with it, so I let it go. Not worth getting upset over an old wives tale.

Now, if we can just get our house back to “normal” and relax for a while. I’m ready for a rest!

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