Hoodie – Lost and Found

As we all knew it would, the missing hoodie was found. Everyone can relax now. The all-night vigils can cease.

While we were looking for it on Thursday, I asked M if he had worn it when he went with Older Son (OS) to cut grass, but he told me no – it had been too hot for him to have on his hoodie at that time.


Then Friday, while I was at work, according to Younger Son (YS,) M continued to be agitated about the missing hoodie and walked around the house, sighing and taking deep breaths.

Saturday, the boys were together, playing video games and hanging out, and YS mentioned to OS that their dad had been looking for his hoodie for a couple of days.

Oh yeah – OS just happens to remember that M left it in the truck when they were cutting grass the other day.


But evidently, the hoodie search wasn’t the only cause for consternation for M on Friday.

YS said M also started a search for some hand-held weights that had been in our den before we moved everything out two weeks ago to have the new flooring put in. Now, our house looks like a tornado has gone through it. Every room is filled with “stuff” from the downstairs rooms that doesn’t belong there – not to mention the storage unit we’re paying for.

And M wants to know where some weights are?

Believe it or not, YS and M searched around the house and found the exact weights M was looking for. Did he immediately start working out or begin a new exercise regimen?  

No – M put the found weights in the garage and went back to the TV.

You can’t make this stuff up. You might as well laugh.

Speaking of TV – we were watching ball games yesterday, and kept seeing commercials for Game 1 of the NLCS tonight – the Atlanta Braves vs. the Los Angeles Dodgers. As Braves fans, YS and I are over the moon, but M isn’t exactly on board with our enthusiasm. Yesterday afternoon, he asked me why the Philadelphia Phillies weren’t playing.

I had to explain that they didn’t make the playoffs this year and he wasn’t too happy about that.

Nothing I can do about that one.

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