The Autumn Leaves

So here we are, in my favorite time of year. As I was driving to work yesterday morning, there were areas almost completely covered in fog. The sky was gray, but I could see all the trees lining the highway were just starting to turn from green to bright yellow, brilliant orange or vibrant red. It almost made going into work not quite so painful.


And then, I spend all day – every day – sitting inside, missing every minute of this glorious season.

Yesterday, I decided I had enough of this, so M and I should take a walk as soon as I got home. Usually, we feed the dogs, then we start feeding ourselves – and the next thing I know, it’s eight o’clock.

Last night, we let the dogs wait for dinner (they were shocked!!) and we put on our walking shoes for an easy stroll over a new pedestrian bridge that spans a local lake.

I can’t tell you how wonderful it was.

Aggie (l) and Duchess

Of course, Aggie (one of our mutts) acted the fool the entire time and had to sniff and stop and pull and behave as though she had never walked on a leash before. Duchess, on the other hand, was a perfect little lady the entire time. But M and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The weather was perfect – the air was cool, the leaves are turning, there’s that feeling of the seasons changing in the air – and he had such fun that he decided he wants to make this an “every evening” tradition.

However, yesterday was not without its moment of panic. Younger Son (YS) called me while I was at lunch to tell me about the home improvement work that was going on at the house. I couldn’t tell from the background noise where he was, but suddenly he started yelling “Stop! Stop!”

My first thought was that one of the dogs had jumped up on him and hit his surgery scar. Not good, but it would be okay. But then YS continued yelling, “That’s a red light! You’ve got to stop! You’re running a red light.”

And the phone went dead.

Oh my heart. Here I am at work – 30 minutes away from home and I have no idea what’s going on.

After about five minutes, YS called back and told me that M was driving him to his rehab appointment and . . . you guessed it, ran a red light. YS hadn’t been cleared to drive since his surgery yet and he felt like it would be okay for his dad to drive, as long as he was in the car with him, helping out.

Evidently not.

Everything was fine – there were no other cars coming through the intersection so they made it through unscathed, but I told YS that he HAD to call his grandfather to bring them home – and we would get the car later.

YS and I talked about it last night after M went to bed. Even though M can drive and find the way with YS’s help, dementia narrows the field of vision and makes it so M doesn’t see “the whole picture.”

Then, YS’s physical therapist cleared him to drive yesterday afternoon, so it’s not going to be an issue going forward. And M’s car is leaving, so THAT problem is gone.

I just don’t know if my nerves are ever going to be the same!

2 Replies to “The Autumn Leaves”

  1. Oh my gosh. So scary! Thankful there was no other traffic. I am glad you have a path to M not driving anymore but my heart hurts knowing that is going to be more strain on you. Glad you are getting out enjoying the fall color together.

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