You Don’t Know How You Look Until You Get Your Picture Took

The hospital for which I work is currently under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The good news is, a buyer for our hospital has been found and it appears that this person has a plan to help us grow and prosper. Yay!

The bad news is, while we are operating under Chapter 11, we can’t do things, like throw parties for our employees who are celebrating their 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, etc. year anniversaries with the company. It’s not right to spend money on parties when our creditors aren’t getting the money they’re owed.

But, we want to mark the fact that we have employees who have worked for the hospital and have reached these milestone anniversaries – so I’ve been put in charge of getting their photos for a Wall of Fame. 150 photos, as a matter of fact.

Can you guess how many times I’ve been told, “I hate having my picture taken”?

If you’re guessing 150, you’re just about right. For as many people as there are out there in the world, taking selfies, NO ONE around my workplace want their picture taken.

M is very excited – the bowling league he participated in last winter/spring is starting up again and he’ll start bowling again tonight. I had hoped his original team would be back together, but I texted the others and they all had other commitments. We’ll see what team M is assigned to.

I’m not really interested in bowling – I want this to be his time, but I have to sit there with him and pay attention to what’s going on. He’s too easily distracted and won’t keep track of when it’s his turn and what lane he should be on to bowl. That’s my job.

We’re also coming up on the end of our time with Younger Son (YS) at home. He’ll leave for his Coast Guard duty station a week from tomorrow. As wonderful as it’s been having him at home – and it has been wonderful – it’s time for him to be back in his own home. 28-year-old men weren’t meant to live at home with their parents.

And, as helpful as he’s been, M and I are ready to have the house to just the two of us again. We’re not used to sharing our space anymore.

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