Who Decided Popcorn for a Ceiling?

Ah, Saturday afternoon. One might think, after M and I spent Saturday morning toting and fetching old lumber from the back yard, that we’d spend Saturday afternoon resting on our laurels.

One would be wrong.

When we purchased the house we’re now living in, one of the features I liked most about it was the screened-in porch across the back. However, one side of the screened-in porch wasn’t screened-in as much as it was storm-windowed in.

As crazy as it sounds, the previous owners had used storm windows, rather than screens, across one side of the porch. The crazier thing is, I’ve left them up there for 22 years and never done anything about them. Until about two months ago, when YS came into town and I declared that they needed to come down.

So, we got out our Phillips-head screwdrivers and we took them down.

That was easy enough, but all progress stopped at that point. The storm windows never moved from where they had been placed when they were taken down from the porch. I mentioned several times that I wanted them taken to the Habitat Re-Store but, as with the wood, nothing ever happened.

Until Saturday afternoon. M and I toted and fetched and carried those storm windows to the car . . . and made our donation at the Habitat Re-Store. The whole process probably took less than an hour.

Can you guess what the people – those whom I had asked to take care of these issues for me – what they had to say when they saw these chores had been done?

Nothing. Not a thing. Did I expect a small parade in my honor, maybe some balloons and a cake? Let’s be honest – of course, I did! I wanted someone to make a big deal over the fact that I had taken the bull by the horns and gotten all this done.

I was sorely disappointed.

On the happier news front, the popcorn ceiling (shudder) has been completely removed in our downstairs and the whole area is now freshly painted and ready for furniture to be brought back in. What a good feeling! I can’t wait to sit down after work and not have to think about what needs to be painted tonight.

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