How was your Thanksgiving? I hope you had a great weekend, filled with delicious food and fun times. I know these holidays aren’t like those we’ve had in the past – or those we hoped for this year – but we still have to make them fun and memorable the best way we can. Continue reading “I Believe I Can Fly”
Quilting Bee
I heard the upcoming holidays referred to as “eatin’ season” recently and it’s so true. All my favorite dishes are on the menu this week and I can’t wait! So much to be thankful for and so much to enjoy. Continue reading “Quilting Bee”
Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way!
Even though I’m turning into my grandmother, the one that woke up every morning at 4 am to get that first cup of coffee, I really don’t like to get going in the morning. I may be awake in plenty of time to get myself where ever I need to go . . . but I don’t like hurrying myself along to get there. Continue reading “Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way!”
There Are No Prizes for This Contest
When does success in care-taking turn into failure? Believe me, it doesn’t take much.
We had a classic example of it Saturday morning. M and I (still) were trying to get our downstairs back together again (if you’re starting to think this is the job that never ends, trust me – I’ve been feeling that way for a LOOOONG time now!!) and we realized we needed a few items from the local hardware store. Continue reading “There Are No Prizes for This Contest”
Dude, Where’s My Car?
If you’re a terrible person, but you know it and you acknowledge it, does that somehow mitigate the terrible-ness? Asking for a friend. Continue reading “Dude, Where’s My Car?”
Four Wheels and Flies?
Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A: A garbage truck!
Okay – I know you probably thought that one was hilarious when you were in elementary school. Once again, trash day is upon us, so M and I were trying to get everything together and out to the curb before I left for work this morning. Continue reading “Four Wheels and Flies?”
I realize the changing from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time messes up everyone – especially the dogs, thinking it’s time to eat an hour earlier than they’re actually going to be fed – but M is taking it to another level. Continue reading “Bedtime?”
What Are People Thinking?
Last night, we had to break out our winter coats!
Our oldest grandson had baseball playoffs, so Opa and Omi made the trip to the ballpark to watch the game. And it was cold! I’m sure the kids were fine, since they were running around and having fun, but those of us just sitting and watching were about to freeze! Continue reading “What Are People Thinking?”