After all the days and weeks of planning and spending, how can it be that Christmas is over? Despite everything – quarantines, vaccines, masks, job insecurity, worry about M, falling off a ladder and other issues – it really is my favorite time of the year. All the lights and the sparkle make me happy. Continue reading “The Season of Miracles”
Lights On, Lights Off, Repeat
Watching M navigate the world can be incredibly frustrating for me sometimes, so I can’t imagine how it must be for him. I think I have myself all together – relatively speaking – so watching him trying to makes sense of his surroundings or changing environment can be a challenge. Continue reading “Lights On, Lights Off, Repeat”
Where has the Time Gone?
I know today is Friday, but yesterday was Monday. So, I’m REALLY not sure what happened to the rest of the week. It’s the same old story – when you were a kid, the days leading up to Christmas seemed to take forever, but as an adult, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Continue reading “Where has the Time Gone?”
Self-Torture with a Christmas Tree
Here’s what I know about myself – I’m allergic to the evergreens that most of us use as Christmas trees. In our house, we used to have a “real” tree every year, but I finally woke up to the fact that I would have a nagging headache from the moment the tree went up until it came down. Once I realized that, we made the switch to artificial and it’s been fine. Continue reading “Self-Torture with a Christmas Tree”
As the Mood Swings
I thought dealing with a moody teenager was an exercise in lightning fast emotion changes. I had no idea that dealing with a dementia patient was going to be just as “exciting.” Continue reading “As the Mood Swings”
Back to Business
Since this IS a blog about life with an early-onset dementia patient, I could do something really different and talk about my life with my very own early-onset dementia patient. Continue reading “Back to Business”
Quick-change Artist
Once again, one of my brothers has offered some advice and perspective that has really made me think. And – I honestly believe – is going to change the way I go about my day-to-day life. Continue reading “Quick-change Artist”