Quick-change Artist

Once again, one of my brothers has offered some advice and perspective that has really made me think. And – I honestly believe – is going to change the way I go about my day-to-day life.

If you missed the lead up to this, I fell off a ladder over the weekend and managed to tweak my knee. It’s not too bad and it will heal, but I’m walking slowly and having to take things easy. Neither of which I’m very good at.

When I was talking to my brother about the fact that I had been at the top of a 10 ft ladder putting up Christmas decorations, he reminded me that if I were to be seriously hurt, there is no one available to take care of me or of M.

Oh sure, plenty of people have offered their help and I am truly grateful to everyone who has been so kind. But let’s face it. We’re all busy. No one has the time to stop their lives and come take over my life for four to six weeks if I were flat on my back with some sort of severe injury.

So I’ve got to stop acting as though I’m made of steel. Although I truly believe I can handle any situation that’s thrown at me and if you’ll just give it to me, I’ll get it done . . . I don’t need to take on the world. It’s okay for me to step back and say either “I don’t have this” or “this doesn’t need to be done – at least not by me.”

So what exactly does this mean? For starters, it means no more 10 ft ladders. And as long as my knee is hinky, it means no ladders of any kind. Not even a step ladder!

It also means I’m taking a long, hard look at my penchant for driving WAY too fast (like 80 in a 65 zone fast) and I’m going to try really hard to dial it back. This one’s going to be tough – I’ve been driving for 43 years and I’ve driven like this from the beginning. Yes, I’ve had plenty of speeding tickets – I pay them and go on. I should probably drive with some caution – and not yelling “Go on! Go on!” at all the other drivers.

Here’s the toughest one – I’m going to try to make better food and exercise choices. Eating like a 10-year-old and vegging out in front of the TV is fun. Well, really – what more do I need to say about THAT? But those are habits I should have given up a long time ago. I’m not going to make some drastic pronouncement like NO MORE SUGAR or NO MORE CARBS, but I am going to try to make more sensible choices. Smarter choices. Choices that a person who is caring for themselves would make.

So there you go. Self-care for the caretaker. It can be done, but I’m going to have to move myself from the very bottom of the list.

THAT will be the biggest change of all.

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