I know today is Friday, but yesterday was Monday. So, I’m REALLY not sure what happened to the rest of the week. It’s the same old story – when you were a kid, the days leading up to Christmas seemed to take forever, but as an adult, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.
Then, this morning, I asked M to be sure and walk the dogs today and, while he was out, he could stop at my dad’s and drop off a container of soup I made.
You would have thought I had asked him to mine some coal today. You’ve never seen anyone so put upon and burdened in your life. I reminded him that I was on my way out the door to work while he was staying at home and taking the dogs for a walk. That helped a little bit.
But I promised to fill you in on my counseling appointment last weekend – and here we are at another weekend.
I brought M with me to my counseling appointment after he was so upset last week over the fact that he didn’t have a car and there wasn’t a plan in place to get him a new one. He and I talked about it for a while and I tried all my usual excuses – that I needed to buy one for myself first, that we were waiting to see what happened with my job situation before we made any purchases – but he wasn’t having any of it. He wanted a car and he wanted it RIGHT THEN.
The counselor talked with him for a while about what a great marriage he and I have had and how important it is for us to take care of each other. She reminded M of times, when he was driving, that he had gotten lost and how scared I was when it happened. She made it seem that his not driving was doing me a favor.
Then she talked about the benefits of ride-sharing services (like Uber or Lyft) and that I can have the app on my phone and order the car and M can go to Lowe’s or to our son’s house and enjoy some time outside these four walls.
He really liked that idea! We haven’t tried it yet – our younger son came home for Christmas on Tuesday, so it’s been a moot point, but at least there are options now. And M isn’t champing at the bit to get out of the house.
We’ll have to give it a try after the holidays when things slow down (hahahaha) and see how he likes it.