Fashion-Turn To the Left

I thought M and I had gone through all his pants and weeded out the ones that were too small months ago, but evidently not. When I got home from work last night, he told me that he wanted to show me something, and he had five pairs of jeans laying out on his bed. When I asked if they were too small or too big for him, he said they were both. Continue reading “Fashion-Turn To the Left”

And Then it Snowed!

The past few days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and this morning) have been such a whirlwind, I have hardly had time to catch my breath, much less write anything. I work for a healthcare system and last Thursday, the powers that be decided that, in conjunction with our local health department, we would hold a drive-thru COVID vaccine clinic for 2000+ people. Continue reading “And Then it Snowed!”