And Then it Snowed!

The past few days (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and this morning) have been such a whirlwind, I have hardly had time to catch my breath, much less write anything. I work for a healthcare system and last Thursday, the powers that be decided that, in conjunction with our local health department, we would hold a drive-thru COVID vaccine clinic for 2000+ people.

On Saturday and Sunday.

It was a GREAT idea – and it was actually a great success. No one had to wait very long, we got them through the area to be vaccinated in a timely manner and it was all done very efficiently. But, as a non-clinical person, my duties are more of the ‘behind the scenes’ type of work.

And believe me when I tell you, that work is never-ending. It took 20 of us on Friday working over 12 hours to get all the people scheduled to come in to receive their vaccines at an appointed time. Once the cars started rolling on Saturday morning, I was part of the team getting all the information put into the “system” so we could report where all our doses of vaccine went.

But now it’s all done. While we were outside Saturday morning, vaccinating people and waving their cars through our set-up, it started snowing! The forecast for the day had been for partly cloudy skies, and the small flurry only lasted for a few minutes, but it was a surprise! One I was NOT dressed for!

I’ve also been surprised, and grateful, for how well M has handled me being at work for so long these past few days. I didn’t leave work Friday night until after 8:30 pm, but he was fine when I got home – not agitated at all. I worked Saturday and Sunday “normal” working hours, so he did fine with those days and then last night I left work a little bit after 6 pm. Again, he was great.

M hasn’t become obsessed about anything in a while – and then it happened yesterday. Our daughter-in-law celebrated her birthday over the weekend and sent us home with some delicious birthday cake. My dad wasn’t able to be there for her birthday celebration, so I told him we would get a piece of cake to him. When I left for work yesterday, I asked M to take a piece by my dad’s house when he was out walking the dogs.

When I got home last night, M said that my dad hadn’t come by to get the cake. No problem – simple misunderstanding. Instantly, M was on high alert. He wanted me to jump in the car, right then, and take the cake over to my dad’s. I was exhausted and said no – I wasn’t going anywhere. It could wait. M worried and fretted about that cake all night – and when he woke up at 6 am, he asked me to please take it to my dad’s house.

So, of course, I dropped it off on my way to work. And now, all is well. Until the next time . . .

4 Replies to “And Then it Snowed!”

  1. I don’t miss the snow & ice. January & February are not good times for drive by clinics. I wish you the best with long extended work hours.

    I’m glad M is having some good days. You & M are in my thoughts. L

  2. You’re right! Snow flurries would have been much more fun if we had been sitting in front of the fire!

    Thank you so much for your love and support – it means the world!

  3. You come to cherish the good days, and live in their peace. Tim’s mom would become so obsessed with an idea, twice she left the house before her caregiver arrived and took off walking to a liquor store. Both times she fell in the street and had to be taken to the hospital. Just enjoy the peaceful times so you have something to hold onto during the bad ones. Sending you love and prayers.

  4. That she was walking to a liquor store made me smile – but I’m so sorry to hear that she fell in the street. Thank goodness M hasn’t taken off anywhere YET, but I’m sure it’s just a matter of time. Yes, the good days and the laughs we are able to share are jewels.

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