Work has been so crazy busy for me, with everything that had to be done for the vaccine clinic and then the follow-up paperwork, all of us who participated were encouraged to take a day off this week. Which worked out well, because I had a ton of things to do.
First on the list, I had to go by M’s neurologist’s office and get a copy of the notes from his last visit. M is still receiving long-term disability payments from his former employer and it’s time for them to check in with us and make sure M isn’t fit to go back to work.
I could understand these periodic check-ins if M had a diagnosis for something like a broken arm or twisted ankle. Something from which there is the possibility he might recover. But you can tell that NO ONE at this long-term disability payout company has paid any attention to his diagnosis. If they did, they would see that it was “dementia” and realize that he’s not going to suddenly start getting better and be able to go back to work.
So we jump through the hoops.
And, of course, the physician’s office can’t fax the copies of the report to me (and I put off asking for them until it was too late to wait for them to mail it to me) so I had to make a trip over there and pick it up.
M and I also spent some time yesterday taking the lights DOWN from the trees we had put them up in when I originally fell off the ladder in early December. You’ll be happy to know that I kept my feet firmly on solid ground and let M do the climbing on the ladder. I was also kind enough to hold the ladder for him and NOT walk away.
We also got some other yard/household maintenance chores done while we were working at it yesterday, but it seemed that everything M started was only taken to a certain point of completion. For instance, he was putting away the extension cords that we had used for the outdoor Christmas lights. He wound up one extension cord, put it in the garage and walked away to the next project.
That’s great – except there is still another extension cord on the ground and plugged into a timer in the garage. All that needs to be unplugged, taken apart and put away, too. There were several other things like that during our afternoon. If I came behind him and just did them myself, M would snap at me to tell me he “had” it and take whatever it was out of my hands and finish the job. But if I said anything to him, like “hey, there’s still an extension cord there in the yard,” he’d stomp off, muttering about me “telling him what to do.”
I’m sure there’s a better way for me to handle things. Still looking for it.