At long last, I think I have figured out the cause of the weekend meltdowns that M has been having almost every Sunday. I couldn’t figure it out – we’ll get to some point in Sunday, usually early afternoon, and he will go into a decline. He starts worrying about both of us or just him being thrown out of the house and telling me he doesn’t know what he’s doing “here.” I can never tell if “here” means in our house, in this situation, in this room or exactly what he’s talking about. And, of course, he can’t tell me either. Continue reading “Stop That Cleaning!”
Running on Empty
GREAT visit this past weekend with M’s brother and sister-in-law. They were incredibly helpful around the house, jumping on projects that needed to be done instead of looking at them, feeling overwhelmed and just walking away – which is what I tend to do. Continue reading “Running on Empty”
Danielle LaPorte has done it again.
I read this message first thing at my desk this morning and cried. THIS was exactly what I needed. I needed to hear this, to read this. I probably need it tattooed to my forehead. I never want to ask for help. I never want to admit that I need help. But I do. Daily.
I think I might be getting over my fear of asking.
Ask for help.
Part of being in hell is that you feel like nobody’s ever been where you are before. And you don’t want to drag anyone down with you.
But you must ask for people to listen, to bring soup, to advise and to help how they can. This is how you love yourself – beyond a concept. It’s astoundingly practical.
And you know what you’re going to find?
That it’s an honor for people to help you. —Danielle LaPorte
Welcome to Story Time!
Last night was VERY unusual, in terms of my interactions with M. I don’t think he and I have ever had a conversation quite like it before. Continue reading “Welcome to Story Time!”
There’s Something About Sunday
I worry that being at home by himself during the week isn’t good for M. But there’s something about Sunday that really seems to upset him and I don’t know what it is. Continue reading “There’s Something About Sunday”
Today’s Brain Challenge
Even though M is spending his days at home, the nice weather we’ve had lately has made it possible for him to get out and take the dogs for walks. But for some reason, he hasn’t been doing that. Continue reading “Today’s Brain Challenge”
Things Fall Away
Have I mentioned that I am NOT mechanically inclined? For the 36 years M and I have been married, we’ve had a division of duties that has worked well for us. He’s been in charge of all things mechanical and electric and I’ve handled things like gardening and cooking. I know it sounds like a cliché, but these are things I enjoy doing and I seem to have some talent for. Continue reading “Things Fall Away”
Those March Showers
Last night, M asked me if I HAD to help him with his shower. I told him no, I didn’t have to, but that he had asked me to help him with the water last week. I went on to explain that I noticed he was smelling fresher now that I had been helping him with his soap and washcloth every night. Continue reading “Those March Showers”
Do You Know the Cupcake Girl?
As I was leaving for work this morning, M asked me, “who was that girl making cupcakes here last night?”
Me. ‘That girl’ making cupcakes was me. Continue reading “Do You Know the Cupcake Girl?”