Friday Notes

M had his bowling league Wednesday night – the highlight of his week. The league ends next Wednesday and it’s going to be very sad during the weeks between “seasons.” I guess he and I will be going bowling.

Once again, the people in the league were so kind and patient with him . . . and not just the people on his team, who know about his condition and understand what is going on. People on other teams, who’ve played against our team over the season and have seen us working together are equally as patient and understanding. I haven’t broadcast anything about M’s diagnosis, but when people see me jumping up to help him bowl at the correct lane or go back and bowl a second time, because he forgets that he gets two tries, it’s kind of obvious that something is going on.

Wednesday night, M had a situation where he had bowled once and was waiting for his ball to come back so he could bowl a second time. He looked at the lanes beside ours and saw an orange ball, like his. So he walked over there to pick it up and start bowling with it. I ran over and got it away from him, apologized to the other team, then he bowled to finish his frame and got a spare. Everyone in both sets of lanes applauded for him! I was in tears over it, but it didn’t even register with him.

Wednesday was a big day – M also got his second COVID vaccine. He did just fine on Wednesday, but on Thursday, he woke up feeling pretty lousy. I gave him some Ibuprofen before I left the house and he spent the day at home with his brother, who has been in town for the week. When I got home from work, M was still feeling pretty bad, so I asked if he had taken anything else during the day. No – just a nap. Men! I got M some more Ibuprofen and then followed it up with Tylenol two hours later. He was feeling MUCH better by bedtime.

I had a surprising phone call yesterday – from DSS (the magic I’ve been looking for to be able to afford the all-day memory care day care for M.) When our kids were little, I was always expecting a call from DSS whenever we were in the emergency room getting stitches, because it seemed as though we were there every other week. There was a stretch when the boys just couldn’t stay out of trouble.

But now, a call from DSS – Adult Day Care Services – is a good thing. I have a phone appointment with them today at noon to complete the forms they need to get M enrolled. Then another appointment with the Day Care center on Tuesday – and we’ll see where we go from there.

I also had a surprising request from M yesterday – would I tie his shoes. I tied one sneaker and told him to lift up the other one so I could tie it. He said he had already tied it, but I could tell it needed help. When I got to look at it, he had tied it into six or seven knots – and that was it. Hello Amazon! Thank goodness for next day Prime shipping and “no tie” shoelaces.

Another item I never thought I’d buy.

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