Where IS That Other Girl?

Loving the new job!! It’s going really well – although I hate those days, right at the beginning, when you don’t know where things are and it takes you five times as long as it normally would to do anything. I’ve always thought, I wish there was a way I could just open my brain and pour the knowledge I need in there.

At least I found my way to the bathroom! And the printer.

When I picked up M from work today, I was amazed at how “together” he seemed. He asked me about my day (which he NEVER does anymore) and tried to tell me about some of the things he had done during the day. Of course, he really wasn’t able to convey much to me – he couldn’t find the words – but he was much more engaged than he has been in a while.

Dinner went well, we filled up the bird feeders and watched TV for a little bit . . . and out of the blue he asked me, “why are you here?”


He wanted to know where the other girl was and when she was going to get here. Darn that other girl! We haven’t heard from her in a while.

I said I didn’t know – but let’s go ahead and take a shower. Of course, he wasn’t happy about that, and I immediately got the attitude and the questions “why?” It’s like dealing with a two-year-old.

We managed to get through the shower relatively easily, but he did succeed in throwing his dirty socks into the laundry basket with FORCE, so I would know he wasn’t happy. And he told me he doesn’t like it when I’m here, because I’m “too much.”

Then, when I finally got him into bed, I had to promise that I would send the other girl up to talk to him when she came in.

I might as well laugh about it, because crying doesn’t do any good. And if you take what’s happening at face value – looking for the “other girl” (who is me), throwing what is essentially a temper tantrum and telling me I’m “too much” – then it is kind of funny.

But it also makes me sigh and shake my head. Because if he knew this was the way he was behaving, he would change it in a minute.

And we wouldn’t be doing this.

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