Good Days vs. Bad Days. Very Bad.

We’re getting there, we’re moving forward, we’re making progress as progress is always made – one step forward and two steps back. Frustrating, but that’s the way it is.

M has been asked to leave the memory care daycare center twice already this week (and it’s only Thursday morning!) because of his behavior. He’s been kicking and banging on the doors, cursing, talking to himself, pacing the floor, getting in the personal space of the other patients there. And remember, these are also dementia patients.

So, you can IMAGINE how much they enjoy someone acting out like this.

Thank God – THANK GOD – my new job is just around the corner from his daycare and I can work from home. So I’ve had the pleasure of picking his majesty up (when he’s in a stellar, sparkling mood) and hanging around the house with that mood.


Fortunately, I was able to get him into see his primary care physician early Tuesday morning and he agreed that a prescription for Lexapro -an antidepressant – was a good idea. Unfortunately, the results aren’t instantaneous. It will take several days (maybe even weeks) for it to build up in his system and for us to see full results. But I am seeing changes, tiny changes, already.

Last night, when I was helping M get ready for bed, he decided he didn’t want to take off his shoes. Or change into sleep pants. Or change his shirt. Basically, he wanted to sleep in the clothes he had been wearing all day. And you could tell he wasn’t being mean or belligerent about it . . . he thought it was funny to tell me “no,” he wasn’t going to change.

At first, I started to insist that he change and then I thought “why?” If he wants to sleep in his clothes, it’s not worth starting a fight. So, here we are at 6 am the next morning, and he’s still asleep in his clothes AND SHOES from yesterday.


As far as the upcoming move and our sons are concerned, things are getting better. Both of them have asked for more information and are more involved in what’s going on. I think it’s all going to be fine. It’s going to take time. We’re going to celebrate M’s birthday this weekend, when his brother is here, and both boys will have a front row seat to how things are going. But I know, as M did at his doctor’s appointment, he will be on his best behavior and everyone will think it’s all in MY head.

That’s okay. If they want to move ME into a care facility and someone else take over all THIS, I’m really at the point that would be just fine. I would appreciate the rest and relaxation.

Hey, that really does sound pretty good.

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