Persistence – the word for 2022

I hope you’re sitting down . . . after 51 days in the emergency department at a local hospital, we have finally gotten M moved into a skilled nursing care community.

Just let that sink in for a moment. He’s out of the hospital. He can see the sun and the outdoors. He can even GO outside, if it’s warm enough. And with some of our late December and early January days approaching 70 degrees, that’s a real possibility.

He looks pretty good – he’s lost weight (which is not a bad thing) but his verbal skills have noticably deteriorated. The community that was FINALLY willing to accept him isn’t a great one. It probably wouldn’t be considered very good. But the boys and I are making sure the staff there know that we’re there and keeping an eye on everything. Hopefully, that will translate into good care for him.

When our younger son and I went to visit with him Monday night, he and two other men were sitting in the TV room, getting ready to watch Monday Night Football. I can’t say that M was all THAT interested in the game, but he was there, with other men, participating in something he used to enjoy. Not sitting alone in a hospital bed, waiting . . . and waiting.

I’ve enlisted the help of palliative care to assist in monitoring his progress and to make sure he’s getting what he needs. I’m also checking with the administrator to find out if the geriatric physician we’ve hired can monitor him and make changes to his prescriptions. And wonderful friends and family members have volunteered to visit once or twice a week to be another set of eyes for us.

I think it’s working – the activities director for the skilled nursing center called me yesterday to talk about M and his likes/dislikes . . . trying to get an idea of what will make him happy there and what will motivate him to participate. She said that the staff had told her that his family was very involved in his care. Good to know that he already has that reputation.

The next hoops to jump through (it doesn’t look as though they will EVER stop) is getting him signed up for Medicare, getting the long-term care insurance involved in paying for the care he is now receiving and staying on top of everything else to make sure this carefully woven safety net doesn’t fall apart.

Easy! Just keep those plates spinning.

14 Replies to “Persistence – the word for 2022”

  1. Linda, Adam give us the good news yesterday and we are praying and wishing the best of care for Matt.
    I think the facility is on Holden and W Market.

  2. I literally woke up this morning and he popped in my head! This is such a good step! Do you mind telling me where he is? I may know someone there. You know I’ve been through this for my grandparents, then my mom, and most recently my mother in law. I’ve met lots of folks in the journey.

  3. So happy to hear this good news! You have fought fiercely in this battle for him.
    Continued prayers he will receive the best of care and be at peace with his new normal

  4. Your determination and grit is second to none. I’m grateful on your behalf that there’s at least forward momentum, although none of this is a walk in the park. I’m so sorry and you are amazing.

  5. Praising God. Linda you have shown us what persistence truly means. We all will continue to pray for you, M, the drs and family members who continue to support you. Sending Much Love.

  6. Oh Linda! I know this is a blessing even tho you have to continue to be very pro active …… but you and I both are that way! So happy for M and the family ! Love you!!

  7. Linda, You and your family continue to be in my prayers as your difficult journey continues. I love your word – persistence. May peace and comfort surround you.

  8. It’s good to hear he is finally sprung from the hospital. What a nightmare for all. I am hoping this works for all of you.

  9. This is good news! Sending love to you and M and the entire family. And prayers for mercy and grace throughout the process.

  10. Thank God!!!! So happy for you and your family and to hear this amazing news!! Will keep praying things continue to go well. Appreciate the updates 👍 Hang in there and know you are supported ❤️

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