39 Replies to “The End”

  1. Dee from Tennessee

    I am so sorry . My thoughts and prayers are with you. You surely “ gave your all “ taking care of your dear husband.

  2. Dear Linda, Please know we continue to “hold you close” in our thoughts and prayers., and we offer our deepest and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. May God bless you. Love you.

  3. May peace be with you all. I know that all of the happy memories will carry you through this difficult time. You did all you could to be a supportive, loving and caring wife. ❤️

  4. Words cannot convey the depth my sympathy for you and your family at the conclusion of M’s life and the horrible times you’ve had leading up to it. He is at peace now and I hope you find solace in knowing that he’s no longer suffering. You’re one of the strongest people I know even if it doesn’t feel that way. You’re writings about M’s and your journey has been heartrending and eloquent. Much love.

    1. Thank you cousin! You’re right – I never felt strong, never wanted to BE this strong, but I hope I did my best. Love you!

  5. So sorry, Linda. You gave done an amazing job advocating for your husband and navigating such an uncertain path. It will be easier for someone else because of your efforts. Sending love and prayers your way.

  6. So sorry, Linda. You have been a great advocate for your husband while navigating this uncertain path. Your experiences will make this better for someone in the future.

  7. Linda, I’m so shocked & saddened to hear of Matt’s passing! I hope it comforts you to know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of your friends. May the memories of Matt & your faith in the Lord comfort & strengthen you. God bless.

  8. Linda, I am so sorry you and M had to go through this journey of illness… He was lucky tii ok have you to help fight his fight! Love and prayers Linda❤️ Lucy Grady

  9. I know you titled this ‘The End’. I have learned that death is not the end for survivors, but the beginning of another journey. I miss hearing from you. Do you miss writing? I enjoy your writing style. If you write, I will read and listen.

    1. Thank you for saying this . . . several other friends have said the same thing. This may not be the end of the writing. We’ll have to see. So much is up in the air.

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