Smoothie attempt – day two. Today’s try for breakfast smoothies went MUCH better, mainly because I put them together last night after dinner and they were in the fridge, ready to drink, this morning. The only ingredient I forgot to add was protein powder, which meant I was STARVING by 9 am today. So THAT wasn’t good. Protein powder will be the first ingredient added tonight, and we’ll try again.
After we assembled the smoothies and cleaned up the kitchen, M and I tried meditation for the first time last night. I found it very relaxing and I enjoyed it – even though one of the dogs was practically in my lap and kept licking my hand the entire time. Yes, Duchess thinks if you’re sitting anywhere she can get to you, then you must be there to pet her, and she wants to make sure you’re doing that AT ALL TIMES!
I don’t know how much M got out of the meditation. When it came time to open our eyes, it seemed as though his eyes had never been closed, so I wondered how much he had REALLY been participating.
After the three minutes of meditation (yes, that’s all I asked him to do,) it was time for brain games. He got out his “find a word” book and I got out my Sudoku book and we spent some time working on those. After about five minutes, he asked if we were going to watch television. I said no, I wanted to work on this for a little while. It was only 8:30 at night, but he had already showered and was yawning in the most jaw-cracking way . . . I finally told him that if he was THAT tired, to go on to bed. He was asleep before 9.
Earlier in the evening, I had asked M what he had done during the day. He told me a little bit about the day, but not much. He said that he and our younger son had gone into town and run some errands, but nothing important. Then when younger son got home, I talked to him and he mentioned that he and his dad had gone out for pizza at lunch. No big deal – it’s not as though I could have joined them and they didn’t include me. I work 30 miles away in the OPPOSITE direction.
Later, I needed M’s help to get my big food processor down in the pantry and asked him to help me. Well, talk about an attitude! I didn’t know what his problem was – and it took a long time to get to the bottom of it – but it turns out that he had told our son not to mention the pizza trip to me.
I don’t care that they go out for pizza. It’s not what I want M to be eating, but our son will only be in town until Sunday and then he’s leaving for his next duty station. I want them to spend time together. We live in the south. We bond over food.
And if it’s the money issue – well, I guess all the harping (nagging, cajoling) I’ve been doing about our finances is finally having an effect. But we can afford for the two of them to get a lunch pizza. We just can’t afford to go out for every meal. And again – a lot of that will stop when our son leaves Sunday.
So, we spent time hashing out M’s attitude, why our son was wrong to say something when his dad asked him not to and CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?!?!
I have a cat like your Duchess.
Aww-I’ll bet she’s a cutie!