M had a really great day yesterday!
When I got home from work, I asked him about the list of things I left for him to do during the day. He had finished everything on the list – which was nice.
What was really surprising – and was behavior almost like my “old” husband – was that he had taken it upon himself to go outside and work on a project that has needed attention for over a year. He didn’t sit down in front of the television and didn’t sit to listen to his music – he stayed busy!
When we were working on the brain training last night, he was still having trouble with the find a word puzzle, so I can see that we still have a ways to go, but I truly think he might be making some improvement with the changes we’ve been making.
This makes me more determined to continue the changes and to implement more of them. I’m hoping (and praying) the positive results continue!
Can you share with my husband?