And Now for Something Really Special

I did it! Yesterday, I was able to meet with the attorney my financial adviser recommended – and WOW! What a difference!

The advice he gave me is the polar opposite of the advice I received last week.

I feel better about what he said because he DIDN’T tell me to get rid of the money M and I have saved over all these years (and believe me, there really isn’t all THAT much money!) He told me there were ways to protect the money we’ve earned and provide for M’s care, should that become necessary.

Also, the prices he quoted were MUCH more reasonable. Two wills and two sets of powers of attorney will only cost $1,000. That is more in line with what I was expecting.

Several people have suggested the wills and POAs are things I can do myself. And they probably are. But because I’m using these documents to set up trusts for M’s care, in the event that I die before he does . . . I’m not comfortable trying to do that on my own.

M and I had a good weekend. Nothing special happened – just regular life, but we enjoyed the sunshine and warmer weather on Sunday. Over the weekend, we saw an ad for “Birds of Prey” the latest movie in the DC Comics franchise. M was trying to tell me something about the backstory, and in the process he said “Jo Jo Joker . . . “

Well, I almost fell over, laughing.

“Jojo Joker?” I asked him. “I don’t think I knew that was his name.”

Then he got tickled about it and we must have laughed for an hour. We couldn’t stop saying Jojo Joker and then giggling like a couple of fools. It really was a lot of fun. Obviously, it’s all highbrow comedy at our house.

We haven’t seen “Birds of Prey” but we’ll be looking for Jojo Joker when we do.

2 Replies to “And Now for Something Really Special”

  1. That’s more like it for getting those legal documents done! No way I would attempt to do a trust, our Wills and POA are just normal, nothing out of the ordinary. I had Power of Attorney for my mom, but when I sold her house the attorney wanted a “special” POA just for the sell of her house. I pointed out to him that the sell of real estate was in the POA, but he said often mortgage companies or title insurance companies, I don’t recall which, want the specific POA. I was NOT happy! Fortunately, she was able to take her to the attorney’s office the day before the closing for her to sign three documents. She was able to sign the documents without any problems other than her vision. She understood what was going on, in fact, by the time I a buyer she told me she needed to sell her house. The following week I was able to tell her we had her house sold and it really paved the way for me to get her to the attorney’s office.

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