My mom called me Saturday night to let me know that someone in our neighborhood had put 20 or 30 monkey grass plants “free to a good home” at the street, so if I wanted them, I needed to hurry up and get them. Yes, this is the exciting kind of weekend night life I’m leading.
If you know of anyone else giving away plants – just call me! 🙂
M and I picked up the monkey grass – some people call it liriope or mondo grass – and brought it back to the house. We unloaded my car and then walked around our yard and talked about where I wanted it planted. The idea was to keep him busy and away from the all day “Star Trek” marathons that he’s been indulging in lately.
We talked about the need for a gravel walkway in the back yard and what we needed to do to contain the gravel. And we talked about where the monkey grass would go – on either side of the as-yet-to-be-built gravel walkway.
Sure enough, he called me yesterday morning to ask me about planting the monkey grass. But what he was asking me didn’t make any sense and I couldn’t figure out what he wanted to know. We had several projects going on over the weekend, so I wasn’t sure if he was asking about one of the painting projects, the laundry or anything else in the house. I told him to wait until I got home, so I could see what he was talking about.
Well, THAT didn’t happen.
When I got home, M had planted almost all the monkey grass. (Say monkey grass one more time!) Directly on the path we use to walk to the back of our house from the driveway. If it stays where it is now, it will be trampled to death in six months.
I walked him to the back and showed him (again) the area we had talked about the day before.
“Oh yeah – that’s right!”
Then, this morning – as I was getting ready to leave for work – he asked me to go outside and show him, one more time, the area where I wanted the monkey grass planted.
Are you kidding?
I did it. We went outside this morning and walked through it, yet again.
I should have drawn a map of the back yard – like a treasure map – and maybe that would have helped. We’ll see what it looks like when I get home.
Tomorrow he has a doctor’s appointment with his new internal medicine physician to assess how he’s doing with his prediabetes and his diet. Then we’re off to the eye doctor to get a prescription for new sunglasses. Now that he’s on my health insurance, he’s going to come to work with me and handle everything at once.
Fingers crossed that everything is going well!
You could get some flags to show him where to plant them.