M had his weekly bowling again last night.
He really seems to enjoy it and is one of the better bowlers on his team. The only issue is, he doesn’t pay attention to his teammates or the opposing team as they’re bowling, so he doesn’t participate when they’re all congratulating each other or giving high fives for a good round.
He just sits there.
Then, I’ve told him which person on the opposing team to watch so he would know when it’s his turn again. Of course, he doesn’t – so I’m always saying “here’s that guy, you’re up after him.” Then “that guy” will finish bowling and I’ll STILL have to say “okay, now it’s your turn.”
As a part of this league he’s participating in, the two teams that bowl against each other every week have two lanes they’re bowling in that night and they switch off between the two lanes. There are other teams, participating in the same league, bowling in other lanes all around us. Again last night, M tried to move over into a lane that wasn’t a part of our two when it was his turn to bowl.
You should have seen the looks on the faces of the people in that lane! They were looking at him like “Dude! What are you doing?”
I got him back in his lane and he went on, like it was nothing.
With all the games and tournaments that are being cancelled in the wake of the health news/precautions, I’m wondering if we should cancel M’s plans to go visit spring training baseball in FL with his brother. I’ve just seen that all spring training baseball is cancelled and the season is being postponed by AT LEAST two weeks.
It’s serious when they start messing with baseball!