M and I are giving new meaning to the term “social distance” – about 665 miles, give or take.
That’s right – he and his brother are in FL for the week! His brother (and friends) drove down from MD on Friday and then they all got in the car and made the drive to FL on Saturday. I was SO GLAD I couldn’t go with them! Being in the car for that long REALLY would have been the end of me.
I had the BEST weekend! The dogs and I chilled out – watching movies and shows that M would have hated and staying up WAY past our bedtime. I don’t think we set foot outside one single minute. I could get used to this whole quarantine business.
Except for the fact that I’m back at work today. The work of a health care system never ends – so here I am! With all the COVID-19 precautions that are taking place, things are changing by the minute, but so far, we haven’t had anyone test positive in our area.
I talked to M this morning, and they were going to go kayaking today. It’s nice and warm in FL, so he’s able to be at the beach and get some sun – which is good.
Stay safe, wash your hands and check on your neighbors. Now’s the time when we all need to look out for each other!
Glad you got some alone time.