Best Foot Forward

Add ANOTHER project to the list . . .

I had a pretty good day yesterday. The health system I work for has been under bankruptcy protection since early March and has been looking for a larger organization to take over operations in our service area for several years. Even with all the uncertainty in health care at the moment, things seem to be going well right now and our leadership team seems positive about the future. That hasn’t always been the case.

On my way home, I stopped by my dad’s house and talked to him about some ideas I’ve had for my future in regards to housing and my car situation. He was very receptive and (I think) pleasantly surprised at the amount of thought I’ve put into my plans. He had some ideas for me, as well, and I was feeling pretty good.

Then I got home.

When I left for work yesterday, I asked M to put up a sturdier picture hanger for a large picture I wanted to hang. When I got home, he had the smallest picture hanger known to man, ready to hang on the wall.

He hadn’t done anything I asked. What had he been doing yesterday?

Putting his foot through the ceiling in the bedroom (from the attic) in an attempt to bring his GIANT stereo down – all by himself.

Keep in mind, I’m trying to get our house ready to sell. And now I have to fix the ceiling in the bedroom.

He didn’t/couldn’t explain to me WHY he decided he needed to bring down his stereo after 10-15 years and WHERE he thought it was going to go, once he had it down. But I have a good idea as to the why.

Our older son celebrated his 33rd birthday Sunday (I can’t believe I have a child that old!!) and our daughter-in-law gave him a turntable for his birthday. So M got to see records being played at our son’s house Sunday night.

So, I have no doubt he woke up Monday morning and decided he wanted to play records at our house. And then remembered he has a turntable, along with a MASSIVE stereo system, in the attic.

The part that is most upsetting to me, even more than the ceiling, is how he could have really hurt himself. I know a woman who broke her femur, putting her foot through the ceiling like that. And I have no doubt that his phone was sitting on the kitchen counter while he was in the attic.

Who knows how long he would have had to sit there, waiting on me to get home, if he had been hurt?

I can see we are rapidly approaching the time that M is going to need daily minding. But, with COVID-19, centers aren’t taking patients right now.

Wow – this isn’t getting easier!

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