To The Doctor We Will Go

We took M to his neurologist’s office for a check-up yesterday. He was supposed to have been there for an appointment in April, but all appointments were COVID-canceled. I didn’t think he had been rescheduled, but I looked at his account online last week and saw that there had been an appointment in July. It looked as though the office had called the house to confirm the appointment and “patient canceled.”

Here’s my question – why are you calling a dementia patient to confirm an appointment with him? Shouldn’t you be talking to his caregivers?

I took care of all that. I scheduled a new appointment AND I made sure our home number was removed from their list of contact numbers.

Don’t ask me why we still have a home phone. Every time I think about getting rid of it, something happens that makes me think I’m glad I have it.

Nothing really happened at the doctor’s visit – and I guess my hopes were much too high, thinking something might. All they do is check his vitals, ask him a few questions, ask me how I’m doing and then send us on our way.

I think I’m still waiting for them to offer us the miracle cure.

Over the weekend, we WORKED and got all the furniture and carpet out of the den so the flooring people can install new flooring next week. My brother (the one who was right about us NOT moving while M is still living at home) came into town and he was a tremendous help. I only had one moment of panic when I felt overwhelmed at all the work that needed to be done, but Younger Son (YS) brought some friends and they made short work of getting the furniture out of the house.

It went much more smoothly than I would ever have imagined!

M is going with YS to his final follow-up visit from his surgery on Thursday, but M has gotten up and dressed for this trip every day this week. Yesterday, he asked me if what he was wearing would be suitable for the trip. Today, he told me he couldn’t do something I needed him to do because he was going to be gone all day.

Nope – not until Thursday.

Then, it looks like YS will go back to his Coast Guard duty station and M and I will go back to being empty nesters again. I think M will miss having YS at home. Even if he spent most days sleeping until noon (or later – what is it with 20-somethings?!) they’ve had a good time together. It’s been good for them!

2 Replies to “To The Doctor We Will Go”

  1. I was watching a video on YouTube by a guy that has decided to be a minimalist. His video was on staging your home to sell, but suggested we should stage our home for living. Excellent point. I still have a landline mostly for the same reason every time we talk about getting rid of it some valid reason arises, so you are not alone.

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