Possession Obsession

Hoodies, anyone?

M is on a hoodie quest – and it’s not good for any of us. He has a navy blue, zip-up hoodie that he really likes. Actually, he has 20-25 hoodies, but this one in particular holds a special place in his heart. For the moment.

When I got home from work yesterday, he asked me if I had seen this hoodie and he went out to my car to look for it. It wasn’t there. He couldn’t tell me the last time he had seen it – he wasn’t cold and didn’t need to put it on right then, but he had become OBSESSED with finding it.

He was on a quest.

We looked around a little bit, but our house is a wreck right now. All the furniture from the bottom floor is still scattered around the rest of the house while we’re trying to finish getting the new flooring, a new area rug and the baseboard repair work done. So in reality, the hoodie could be sitting right in front of us and we’re just not seeing it.

I tried to convince M that it would turn up – that it hadn’t gone anywhere – and I thought he had let it go.


Younger son (YS) came in this morning from an overnight trip to visit friends and, evidently, the hoodie search started again as soon as he walked in the door. YS finally told M that I might have taken it to work with me – just to get him to drop the subject.

Sigh – I wish I could get him to get this obsessed over the state of the house or how much vacuuming and dusting needs to be done. No one ever seems to get worried about THAT. But a hoodie – one of two dozen that we have? Oh yes -THAT we will freak out about!

As a part of updating the downstairs, we decided to get a couple of new dog beds so we can encourage our mutts to stay off the couch. We had some of the pillow-type beds in the past, but somebody (not sure which one) enjoyed tearing the stuffing out of those beds and they didn’t last very long.

So I ordered a couple of the raised beds and they arrived in the mail – but they had to be put together. When I got home from work last night, M had gotten all the pieces and parts for the beds out of the boxes and had everything spread out on the floor . . . and that was as far as he could get with it. He couldn’t figure out how to put the beds together and needed help.

This is when my heart breaks over this stupid disease because M is someone who ALWAYS could do things like this. I’ve never had to know how to do it because he always did. Now, I’m having to learn.

The good news was – M wasn’t upset over his inability to do it. He just laughed it off and moved on to the next thing (the hoodie search.) I’m the one who sees the progression of this disease and knows what’s been lost.

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