
I realize the changing from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time messes up everyone – especially the dogs, thinking it’s time to eat an hour earlier than they’re actually going to be fed – but M is taking it to another level.

Last night, we were watching a football game that ended around 7:15 pm. I grabbed the remote to change the channel and look for another game or something else to watch. But M jumped up and announced he was going to bed.

So I asked him, why at 7:15? Was he tired?

No. He wasn’t tired. And he couldn’t really explain why he felt as though he should go to bed. It was just that the show he was watching had ended, it was dark outside and he felt as though it was time.

I wasn’t going to argue with him about it – if he wanted to go to bed that was fine. But I had things to do, like laundry, and I was going to be up for another hour or two.

I could tell he wasn’t happy with that . . . he wants us to be together at all times. But I wasn’t ready to end my day at 7:15. And he didn’t want to be upstairs by himself.

So, of course, he suffered and stayed with me while I finished up the laundry and a few more chores to start the week. But he was so antsy, sighing and bouncing around in his chair, it really would have been easier if I had gotten him settled in bed first, then come back downstairs and finished up what I was doing.

Not bad, for a photo taken from the back of a moving horse!

Saturday, a dear friend called and invited us to go ride horses with her and her husband, and we really had a wonderful time. It was a gorgeous afternoon and M really enjoyed himself, once again. The only negative was that we couldn’t get out to the farm until 3 pm and by the time we got the horses saddled and ready to go, we didn’t have as long to ride – with the sun setting so early – as we would have liked.

It did – however – mean that we got out of the house and away from the never-ending barrage of home improvement work that has been over-whelming us for the past few months.

Beautiful end to a beautiful day

I think we’ll have to do that again soon!

2 Replies to “Bedtime?”

  1. I hate this slow time I think it’s at least 10:30 pm, then I look at the clock… It will be 7:00 pm! I feel M’s pain.

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