Quilting Bee

I heard the upcoming holidays referred to as “eatin’ season” recently and it’s so true. All my favorite dishes are on the menu this week and I can’t wait! So much to be thankful for and so much to enjoy.

M and I made our weekly trip to the home improvement store on Saturday to get another can of furniture stripper. I’m trying to take the finish off my grandmother’s kitchen table so I can paint it and use it without a tablecloth on top of it. My grandmother never used it without a plastic-topped, fuzzy-lined tablecloth and at some point in time the fuzzy part stuck to the finish of the table and was embedded in the surface. I knew I would need to strip the finish off – and just kept putting it off.

After our shopping trip, I told M I wanted to go to a fabric store and if he wanted to go with me, he could. Believe it or not, he opted out. A part of me was a little surprised. And I was completely thrilled!!

He decided to take the dogs for a walk as I was leaving and proceeded to put both leashes on one dog . . . and then couldn’t figure out what the problem was. I got the three of them straightened out and on their way – and then I went shopping.

I may have mentioned it, but I’ve been toying with the idea of sewing a quilt. I know how to sew and it looks like something I would enjoy doing. So I decided to check out a couple of quilting stores in the area.

The first one was very nice. They left me alone and let me wander around the shop and look at all the fabric. It was kind of overwhelming – I have a pattern for a quilt I want to make, but I’m not really sure where to begin or how to get started.

I bought a little bit of fabric at that store and then drove to the next one.


The minute I walked in, it was like they had been waiting to see me. Had I ever sewn a quilt before? No? They had a beginner’s class starting in January that I could sign up for! And then they showed me the quilt I would be making in the class and we picked out fabric for the quilt. Before I knew it, I had spent . . . .well, let’s not say HOW much. I’ll just say that I invested in myself and some quality time doing something for me.

How does that sound?

I have to admit – I’m really excited! On Tuesday nights in January, I’ll actually be doing something that’s not for M, not for the house, not for my kids or grandkids or my dad. Just for me. And I have to say, not much of that happens in my life right now.

And if I learn how to make quilts and really like it – THEN I can make quilts for M and the kids and grandkids . . .

The fabric pictured at the top of today’s post I saw at the first fabric store and fell in love with. But it cost almost $150 for that stack that you see in the photo. I decided I didn’t need that quite yet. Or I need to find the discount place for that stack.

2 Replies to “Quilting Bee”

  1. That quilting class sounds like fun! I have three quilts made by my grandmothers. I can remember my maternal grandmother putting up her quilting frame in the front (spare, not guest) bedroom.

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