I Believe I Can Fly

How was your Thanksgiving? I hope you had a great weekend, filled with delicious food and fun times. I know these holidays aren’t like those we’ve had in the past – or those we hoped for this year – but we still have to make them fun and memorable the best way we can.

M and I enjoyed our weekend. He wasn’t exactly thrilled, because I decided we were going to dedicate an hour each day to deep cleaning one room of the house. We’re still in “clean-up” mode from all the dust that was raised when we had the popcorn ceiling removed in our downstairs. So it was time to do something about it.

And now the house looks much better!

On the good news front, the quilting store had a GREAT sale on Friday – their $6.00/yard fabric was only $2.00 a yard. I may have gotten 10 yards . . . but there was a woman in line ahead of me that bought two yards each from 50 (that’s right – five-zero) bolts of fabric. I felt as though I had hardly gotten any, compared to her!

M and I also spent some time over the weekend, putting up our Christmas decorations – and that’s where I got myself into trouble. We decided we wanted to put lights in some trees out front and got out our 10 ft ladder. M was climbing the ladder and I held on at the bottom . . . but he didn’t understand how to string the lights in the trees and clip them on with zip ties. He said he understood it, but when he got on top of the ladder, he couldn’t make it happen.

What else was I going to do? OF COURSE, I got him down from the ladder and I climbed up there myself – with the instructions that he was to hold onto the ladder to keep me from falling. It didn’t take five minutes for his attention to wander and for him to step away . . . and for me to fall.

I remember yelling “I’m falling!” and hearing him say “No, you’re not!” and thinking that I’m pretty sure I know whether or not I’m falling. Then I landed on my feet and felt my left shin bone go right up into my knee cap.


My left ankle and shoulder also hurt (did I try to grab something on the way down? Who knows?!) but my knee was the main casualty. I hobbled around through the rest of the weekend, but there was NO WAY I was going to the Emergency Department unless a bone was sticking out through the skin.

Since I was the walking wounded, M decided he wanted to help me and tried to pitch in, but it was challenging. Yesterday afternoon, I asked him to take the comforter from the washer and put it in the dryer, then turn the dryer on. He was in the laundry room FOREVER, so I finally went downstairs (which I was trying to avoid) and he couldn’t figure out how to turn on the dryer.

No problem – I turned it on for him and we went upstairs. Then, when it finished the cycle, I asked him to get the comforter out of the dryer and he came upstairs with an armload of sheets. The sheets that had been in the laundry basket.

Turns out, he had taken the dirty sheets from the laundry basket, put them in the dryer and dried them. The wet comforter was still in the washer.

I was able to get into the ortho office this morning, and it’s all good news. It appears I have a bone bruise in my knee, and no damage in my ankle or shoulder. My knee was drained and I received a cortisone shot – and I’ll go back in four weeks for a follow-up.

Whew! It could have been MUCH worse!

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