Today’s Brain Challenge

Even though M is spending his days at home, the nice weather we’ve had lately has made it possible for him to get out and take the dogs for walks. But for some reason, he hasn’t been doing that.

I’ll ask him about it every day when I get home, but he’ll tell me he didn’t think about it or he wasn’t sure what the dogs were going to do. If these were “wild and crazy” dogs, I could understand the concern, but these are two pretty sedate mutts. They’re happy to be out and about.

Finally, after several conversations, I started to understand that his concern was the leashes for the dogs. We have two pretty large hooks in the garage that we use to hang the leashes on when we get back from a walk. On the hooks are also some dog harnesses and other leashes that we’ve tried using over the years.

When M started walking the dogs on his own, and I knew sorting through and putting his hands on the two leashes he needed for the walk was an issue for him, I moved all the harnesses and leashes that we DON’T use to one hook. Then, I put the two leashes that he would need for walking the dogs on the hook closest to the door to the house on a hook of their very own.

Silly me – I thought that would solve the problem.

After he balked about taking the dogs out, I went to the garage and looked at the leashes . . . I’ve never seen such a spider’s web of leashes tangled and hooked together in my life. M had taken the two leashes we typically use and hooked them to the other leashes on the other hook . . . and then proceeded to tangle and hook everything all together into one big mess.

No wonder he didn’t want to take the dogs for a walk. It took me ten minutes to sort through that puzzle!

Hey – maybe he’s just trying to challenge my brain!

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