The Avengers – and Other Marvels

When our Younger Son was here last, he thought it would be fun for M and me to watch all of the Avengers franchise movies, beginning with Ironman and working our way through, in order. I’m certain M has seen them all, but doesn’t necessarily remember them, so he’s enjoying it, too.

Last night, we had gotten to the fifth (I think) one, The Avengers, and we were at the most exciting part of the movie – the big action sequence – when M jumped up and was all concerned . . . because he didn’t have his wallet in his back pocket.

Was he planning a trip to the concession stand (in our kitchen?) Did he have a sudden need to make an ATM run? Nope, just needed his wallet  – RIGHT THAT MINUTE.

If you’ve been around anyone with dementia, you know – once something becomes an obsession, you might as well just pause the movie and look for the wallet, because you’re not going to get anything else done until you do. M normally keeps his wallet on his bedside table. Any ideas where we found his wallet?

In the drawer of his bedside table.

It’s always an adventure around our house.

We’ve also been having an adventure with M and his belt the last couple of weeks. I don’t know that he really needs a belt, but he won’t set foot outside the house unless he’s wearing one.

Fine. Whatever.

About a month ago, his belt had gotten too tight (small) for him, so we bought a new one. Immediately, he started complaining that he didn’t like it. He couldn’t really tell me what the problem was, but something about it was bothering him.

So we bought ANOTHER new belt.

And the complaints continued. Again, it just wasn’t right, but he couldn’t tell me what the problem was. Finally, I watched him as he put the belt on in the morning and realized what was going on.

He started the belt in the belt loop on the right-hand side of the button and zipper and then moved the belt around to his left, rather than to his right. So he was taking the belt across the button and zipper opening, then continuing around his waist and ending up with the buckle on his side. So when he needed to open the belt and unzip his pants during the day, so he could use the bathroom, he was running into problems.

I’ve been able to fix the situation – but I have to stay on top of it, or else he’ll make the same mistake with his belt every day. The days of “lessons learned” are over with. Why can’t The Avengers just swoop in and save the day once again?

One Reply to “The Avengers – and Other Marvels”

  1. OMG this made me laugh out loud 😂. Thanks I needed that. We just spent over a WEEK looking for my husband’s cellphone after he lost it, again. Just found today in the drawer of his end table. It never ends! Like the belt in the loop I guess.

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