Things to Think About

(Originally posted in Facebook on February 28, 2019)

On the heels of talking about driving yesterday, there was a moment with M this morning that gave me a jolt. He was walking out the door on his way to work and reached – as he always does – for the garage door opener to open the garage door. This morning, however, instead of opening the garage door, he hit the light switch, turned on the lights for the garage and then walked out to get into his car. I was walking behind him to get something from the garage and saw what was happening, so I opened the garage door and then, once I finished what I came out there to do, turned off the garage light.

But afterward I was thinking about it. What if I hadn’t been behind him? Would he have realized that the garage door wasn’t opened? Would he have backed into the door? Do I need to start walking with him to the garage to make sure he gets out okay?

This isn’t going to get easier, is it? 

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