Where Are You?

(Originally posted in Facebook on March 14, 2019)

It’s a beautiful day around here – spring might be here to stay! (Watch it snow next week – ha!)

Yesterday, I was on my way home from work when the phone rang and it was M, wondering where I was. I’ll admit, I had stopped by the store on my way home and was 10 minutes later than normal, but not excessively late. There are one or two evenings a week I’ll stop for gas or to pick up an item or two on the way home, so this isn’t out of the ordinary, and I’m never later than 6 pm getting home.

When I got to the house, I asked M about it and he said:
“I was worried about you – you should have been here by 5:30.”
Now, even if I walked out the door of my office EXACTLY as the clock chimed 5 pm, there is no way I could make it home by 5:30. It’s a 35 minute drive, door-to-door.

So, we talked about his expectations of when I should be home and the reality of when I can actually get there. I think I’m going to have to post a note that says something like “Don’t worry until AFTER 6 pm.” I appreciate that he cares, but I hate that feeling that I’m racing home to beat his internal clock.

We attended the neighborhood meeting last night, which went well. He was engaged and attentive. My mom came to the meeting with us and, when we drove her home, he walked her into the house and made sure she got in safely, which I thought was very kind. He has such a good heart and is the sweetest man I know. I’m so grateful that this part of his personality hasn’t been lost.

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