Let’s Go Shopping

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 8, 2019)

Busy weekend. Being under the weather for the past week or so, M and I hadn’t gone grocery shopping since we got back from CA and the cupboard was looking pretty bare. My parents, our older son and his family were all coming to dinner Sunday night and we were watching two of our grandchildren Sunday afternoon, so we didn’t have time to get in a serious shopping trip – we only had time for one of us to run to the store and pick up the essentials for dinner.

So we put together a list for dinner and M said he would run to the store. The menu for the evening was grilled hamburgers so we were trying to put together a list of items to go with this dinner. M kept suggesting things like “lunch meat for next week” and “apple sauce for lunch.” I couldn’t seem to get him to understand that this trip to the store was ONLY for dinner and that we were going back to do our week’s worth of shopping after dinner.

On his way out the door, he looked at the list and saw hamburger patties. He asked me where in the store he would find hamburger patties. This is someone who has been to the grocery store as often as I have over our 35 years together.

This morning, as M was walking out the door to go to work, he realized he had forgotten to get his cell phone and his iPod, but he had his big lunch box on his shoulder. As he walked through the kitchen to get the rest of his stuff, M knocked a dish off the counter and it broke. It’s just a dish – it doesn’t matter . . . but it was one of my grandmother’s dishes. There were only three of them, and now there are two. Of course, he feels terrible about it and I know it was an accident. BUT STILL!!!! A friend suggested putting things like that away “for a while.” Wish I had done it sooner.

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