Intense and Focused

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 9, 2019)

Over the weekend, M wanted to put weed and feed on our lawn and was convinced that our older son, K, had our spreader at his house. So he texted K to see about getting it back. We didn’t know that K was working a double shift on Friday and Saturday, so he wasn’t able to get back to us as quickly as he normally does. M was having a fit – really agitated that he hadn’t heard from K. This is part of his disease at work – he gets focused on something and can’t/won’t let it go.

I suggested that M give K a call, but he didn’t get an answer. After an hour or so, he couldn’t stand it any longer and drove to K’s house. He learned that K was working and that his spreader was NOT there. But he borrowed K’s spreader and came home to put the weed & feed out on the yard.

When I heard what happened, I asked M if he had looked in his storage shed in the back yard for his own spreader. Turns out the answer was “no” and when he did look in the shed – lo and behold, there was the spreader, all along. Fortunately, we were able to return K’s spreader to him when he came for dinner Sunday night.

When I got home from work last night, M said he was getting a headache, but hadn’t taken anything for it. Pollen has been overwhelming in our area and a huge thunderstorm had blown up during the afternoon, so it wasn’t a surprise. He took some Ibuprofen and Sudafed and was better within the hour.

This morning, when it was time to get up, he said he had another headache and couldn’t get up for work. I got him more medicine and a Coke and he went back to sleep, but didn’t call in. When I left for work, he wanted me to call in to his job for him. I was on my way out the door, so I handed him his phone and said he could take care of it. There may be a day – soon – when I’ll have to do these things for him, but that day isn’t here yet.

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