Spring Break

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 16, 2019)

Spring break! It’s finally starting to feel like spring around here and I love it! The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining and it’s warm enough to sit outside at lunch and enjoy the beautiful day.

We have company coming to visit later this week, so M and I were getting the guest bedroom together last night. We were almost done when I realized I was missing a pillow case. I asked M to go back to the linen closet to see if the pillow case that matched the sheets we were using was still there. I could hear him down the hall, opening the closet door, then shutting it. Then he went into another bedroom and brought me a spare pillow. And asked me if it was an extra pillow that I needed.


I asked him if he had seen the pillow case that I was missing in the linen closet and he said “no,” but I wasn’t sure whether or not to trust that answer, since he had brought me a pillow. He went downstairs to the laundry room and said that he found the missing pillow case in the dirty clothes. Although now that I’m typing this up . . . I never actually saw it myself. Hmmm.

This morning, as I was getting the trash together to go out to the street, M had the search on for his iPod. It wasn’t on the counter, where he usually has it charging every evening. So he went around the house looking for it and finally found it. After he left, I got my coffee and went back upstairs for my 30 minutes of reading enjoyment. I was able to tell EXACTLY where he had been, looking for his iPod because the lights were left on in every room he had entered. It was like a trail of breadcrumbs.

I’ll be the first to admit – these things used to make me so annoyed and angry. Now they make me laugh. He’s not going to change, so I have to change and embrace them – and him.

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