Happy Puppies

(Originally posted in Facebook on April 25, 2019)

Yesterday was SUCH a beautiful day, although very warm, so we took the dogs and went for a walk as soon as I got home. We tried a different route that had more sun than our usual walking route, but it was a shorter walk. One of the pups had a harder time in the heat and really seemed to be suffering when we got home – I was worried about her for a few minutes! She laid on her side and panted, but didn’t get any water for the longest time. I got some wet paper towels and tried to cool her off by placing them on her belly and feet – and then getting more cold water on them when they got hot. Eventually, she got her breath and drank some water and finally seemed to feel better.

I told M that I think we need to wait until the sun is closer to setting before we take them for a walk, if the temperatures are above 80 degrees. This little mutt is only three years old, but I don’t think she handles heat very well. Like her mother – ha!

We noticed it was looking dark in our refrigerator, but the light at the top was working. Finally, I pulled everything off the bottom shelf and realized there was also a light down there (how fancy!!) and THAT light had burned out.

When I got home last night, I saw that M had found the instruction manual for the refrigerator, had taken the light apart and had removed the burned out bulb – it was sitting on the counter. I was really impressed – this is the kind of thing he used to do all the time! I asked him if he had been able to replace the bulb.

No. We didn’t have any bulbs that size.

Never mind, he had just been to the drug store to pick up his prescription . . . which is right down the road from the hardware store, where he could have gotten a new bulb.

Then he asked me, “What size is that thing beside the house?”
Me: What thing beside the house?
M:The thing we bought the other day.
Me: What thing are you talking about?
M: You know, the thing we bought to cover the thing.
Me: The tarp? The tarp we bought to cover the trailer?
M: Yeah. How big is it?
Me: I don’t know. What difference does it make?
M: I’m going to take it off the trailer and cover the Jeep with it. The Jeep is getting those oak things all over it.
Me: No you’re not. The Jeep is fine. Take it to a car wash and pay $5 to get it clean. Or we’ll buy a new tarp for the Jeep.

Keep in mind, the Jeep is 20 years old and we use it to haul the trailer. That’s it. Why he’s suddenly so worried about how it looks, I don’t know.

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