Dude, Where’s My Car?

(Originally posted in Facebook on May 29, 2019)

One of the first things we had to do when we got back from our trip was to take my car to the repair shop. The a/c works just fine as you’re driving down the road, but if you have to stop in traffic or at a light, it starts blowing out hot air. And since the high temperature is going to be 95 today, I decided that was a repair that couldn’t wait. So we dropped it off Monday night and put the key, along with a write-up of the problem, in a box on the door of the shop and left it for the repair folks to tackle Tuesday morning.

I didn’t hear anything from them yesterday, so I assume they had a busy day and didn’t get to it. When I got home and walked through the door, M said “I thought you would bring your car home.” 
Me: They didn’t call me.
M: But I thought you would bring your car home.
Me: But they didn’t call me.

We went back and forth like that a couple of times before he finally understood – my car isn’t ready, the repair shop didn’t call. I don’t have it. It was almost as though he thought I was hiding my car in my purse and I was going to bring it out like a magic trick.

He’s gotten some good news at work – a position, doing the type of work he’s doing now, but in the area where he used to be (so he’d be back with all the people he was with for over 20 years) has opened up and been offered to him. He’s very excited about it and looking forward to moving back with his friends. Hopefully, it will happen soon. He did tell me that his current boss told him yesterday that he (the current boss) can stop this move from happening. Why do people have to be jerks, just for the sake of being jerks? M doesn’t think this boss can stop him from going – he’s already put in the required amount of time in the new position. So we’ll see what happens.

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