Every Moment is a Gift

(Originally posted in Facebook on June 3, 2019)

M and I had a plan for Sunday morning – we were going to get the kayaks out and FINALLY get them out on the water. We’ve talked about it for weeks, but we were actually going to make it happen. Hahahahahaha!

As soon as M stepped into the garage, he saw that my car (the one we use to tow the kayak trailer) had a flat tire. Sigh. It’s always something. Of course, it took all day to get that handled. M is a very handy guy and was ready to handle the repair – but that’s when the nerve-wracking part started.

To get the tire off the car, we needed to lift it up. It turned out that our older son had “borrowed” the jack we needed, so, M tried to lift the car with a much smaller jack we had on hand. Adding a brick on top of it. And some plywood.

Dangerous? Nah – whatever gave you that idea?

When the car started to slip off this “house of cards” M had created, I put my foot down and said – call the boy (he’s 31, but still) and tell him to bring our jack back here!!

He has always been very careful and not been one to take shortcuts. He would never have done some that dangerous before.

Fortunately, the two of them worked together (yay!) to get the tire off, M took it to the shop where they removed the nail I had picked up and patched it for ONLY $3 – I was shocked!! When he brought it home, he waited until older son and his family were at the house for Sunday dinner to put the tire back on. My nerves were much happier!

While everyone was at the house, but after we had eaten, my daughter-in-law showed me her mother’s day present – she actually got my son to willingly participate in a photo session with the whole family – and NOT give that cheesy “I’m hating every minute of this” smile he normally has pasted to his face. The pictures are beautiful and I can’t wait to get prints made to have around the house!

As I was looking at them, I told my d-i-l that M and I should get some photos done now, before . . . and then I burst into tears!! I don’t know where that came from – I always know when I’m about to cry, but this one snuck up on me.

Of course, I was going to say – before it’s too late. And it IS sad to think about. But I have thought about it. It is a reality I’m aware of. I’m hopeful something will change, but I have to be realistic, too. For some reason, it was all too much yesterday.

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