I Hate Summer

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 1, 2019)

Can I just say – I hate summer?!? I love the longer days and the beach and vacations and all the fun stuff . . . but I LOATH and DESPISE being hot. I would so much rather be cold. I can always put on more clothes, but there’s a limit to what you can take off.

Our weekend was good . . . busy. Full of yardwork and housework and all those things that never seem to end when you own a house. M did well and was engaged. He said something about being ready to retire on Saturday. I told him he had a few years left – like 11 before he could retire. Nice try.

Then, this morning, he was eating breakfast and jumped up like he had been stung by a hornet. He started rummaging through all the pockets of his lunchbox (that thing must have two dozen pockets) and getting more agitated by the minute. I finally understood he was missing something he needed for work. He ran downstairs and looked through the laundry at the shorts he had worn Friday . . . in the meantime, I looked in his lunchbox and found the missing item.

All this drama, cursing, stomping, shouting – for something that was right there the entire time.

I just shooed him out the door and sent him on his way. Who wants to start their day off like THAT?

Anyway – enjoy the picture – it’s my very favorite for the Independence Day week.

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