My Aching Head

(Originally posted in Facebook on July 10, 2019)

M stayed home from work today with a migraine.

It’s been a long time since he’s had to do that, and I wouldn’t say anything about it, but my own head has really been giving me a fit lately. I had a horrible headache this past weekend, but one of my brothers was in town visiting and we were meeting our parents for breakfast on Saturday morning. So, of course, I pasted on a smile and went along with everyone to the restaurant. I had taken some medicine and I knew it was just a matter of time before it kicked in . . . in the meantime, my head hurt so badly, it made my eardrums ache. But I powered through it.

I think my ability to do that has made me less sympathetic of his headache pain. I know his head was hurt – I could see it on his face. But at the same time, I manage to function and I think he can do it to.

I think I need to get over it and move on.

We’ve had some really good days lately. Days in which M is really engaged and focused and everything seems to be going well. Even when he is having a problem remembering something, he just laughs and doesn’t get upset or frustrated – which is good. I don’t know what I would do if he were to get depressed or angry when he couldn’t remember things.

Time to count my blessings and appreciate them!

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