Monday, Monday

Originally posted in Facebook on August 19, 2019)

Did you ever think you’d be glad to see Monday get here? I have never – but came to work this morning with a smile on my face and a song in my heart! So, so happy to have my boss back in town. Whew! Now I can go back to being me. Responsible for me. Answering to me. Nobody wanting anything from me, but me. Yay!

M and I had an interesting afternoon trying to hang pictures yesterday. I knew where I wanted the pictures hung in the hallway and I asked him to bring me some nails, a hammer and a level. He brought me a box of wall anchors and screws, a screw driver and a quick square. I’ll make today’s picture a quick square vs. a level Let’s just say they’re not the same thing.

After trying to make do with what he brought, I said something about the level and he said he didn’t think he had one. He and I went together to the garage and I showed him the 2 levels that he owns. While I was there, I got the nails and the hammer that I wanted to begin with and reminded myself that I need to do these things myself.

When one of my brothers was here last week, he and I were talking about how kind everyone has been and how, when people ask me what they can do to help, I never seem to know what to say. The help that I really need – a miracle, a cure, my husband back – no one can give me, but I do recognize that people are sincere in their offer to want to help.

My brother pointed out that M comes home every afternoon from work and really doesn’t do much after that. He sits down in front of the television and doesn’t move. I have put together a network of friends so I’m getting out at least once a week for dinner and a chance to decompress, but he isn’t getting out of the house at all. My brother suggested that maybe some of these friends who have offered to help would be willing to take M out on a monthly basis for a meal and some time out of the house.

I think it’s a great idea!

I had another thought yesterday – our oldest grandson had baseball tryouts over the weekend, if you can believe it. It seems much to early to be starting fall baseball. I thought maybe M could plan on going to our grandson’s games, since he played baseball growing up and is such a baseball fan. It would be another good opportunity to get out of the house and spend some time away from the television. I would be willing to drive him there and make arrangements to pick him up – which would give us both some alone time.

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