The Boys of Summer

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 21, 2019)

Much better evening yesterday. The Braves were back on TV, so we had that to watch. And the Braves manager was ejected from the game within the first five minutes, so that gave us something to laugh and talk about.

Our boys had been in the neighborhood mowing lawns and had parked their trailer with the lawn mowers on it in front of our house – but the boys were gone. M didn’t know where they were when I got home from work but I wasn’t worried . . . I knew they would show up eventually. He kept looking out the window at the trailer and fretting about someone driving by and hitting the trailer with their car. I guess it could have happened, but we live in a neighborhood, not on a busy street.

By about 7 pm, he was really getting stressed about it, so I suggested he call the boys. They were at a local bar, hanging out with friends (as I should have guessed.) Older son was going to drop younger one off at the house and then pick up the trailer on his way back home. No problem, right?

M was on patrol, looking out the window every five minutes, checking to see if the boys were there yet. He was so focused on that trailer and when they would be there to get it. The ball game starting took his mind off of it – a bit – and then it was time for him to get his shower and then on to bed.

More good news for this week – a friend is taking him out to dinner tomorrow night. I’m so excited for him! A chance to get out of the house and spend some time visiting with someone besides me. I really hope it goes well and that this is the beginning of more visits like this.

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