Surprise! Not.

(Originally posted in Facebook on August 26, 2019)

No surprises today.

As I thought, M and I met with his HR representative this morning and he has been sent out on medical leave. M has been so agreeable and easy-going about everything that has been happening at home. If he can’t think of what he wants to say or can’t remember something, he just laughs . . . he never gets upset or angry.

Evidently, that’s not what has been happening at work.

According to the HR rep, he’s been losing his temper and lashing out when he gets frustrated. Even more worrying was when he said that M had been putting himself in dangerous situations – walking under cranes in operation and near the intake of running jet engines.

I have an appointment for M with his neurologist and we’ll get in there and talk to him about the situation.

As important as I think getting out of the house every day is for M, I’m relieved that, for now, he’s not driving to work. After hearing about the dangerous situations he’s been putting himself in, I’m glad we got him out of there before something terrible happened. And he hasn’t been happy . . . maybe that’s why he’s been lashing out there and not at home. Maybe this will make a difference.

What I will have to do is find a way to keep him busy during the day so his days at home don’t turn into days spent wasted in front of the television.

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