Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?

Still no word from M’s employer today. No surprise.

I don’t know how to assess how he’s doing.

When we were doing laundry Sunday, he mentioned how long the washer was taking, so I took a look at it. For some reason, the wash cycle had been changed from regular cycle to casual (whatever that is,) the rinse cycle had been changed from rinse to 2nd rinse and the wash temperature had been changed to warm water. We never change the wash cycle or the rinse cycle (maybe we should?!) and the only time we change the water temperature is when we’re washing a load of whites. So, I switched everything back and it was back to business as usual.

Then, he called me at work this morning to ask me what he needed to press/adjust on the washing machine to do another load of laundry. I’m thinking nothing – it should all be good . . . but I’m not sure. What has he done?

Then he asked, while he was on the phone this morning, if I knew what was wrong with the sound on the TV.


When I got home this evening, he had gone out to dinner with my dad, so when I came downstairs and turned on the TV, the sound was still out. It took a few minutes, playing around with the surround-sound system, but I finally figured it out. Now, this is a system that’s been his pride and joy – I really don’t understand it. He put it together. It’s always been his “baby.” But he had TV with no sound today.

Well, I’m glad he had a good time tonight, going out to eat with my dad and his friends. A friend of mine at work calls them ROMEOs – Retired Old Men Eating Out. Ha!

One Reply to “Wherefore Art Thou, Romeo?”

  1. ROMEOs! I love it! Maybe put the washer settings on a 3×5 card and tape it to the washer so M will know what the regular settings should be on the next time. He probably did something to the menu on the TV. My mom used to mute her TV all the time and I couldn’t tell her how to fix it on the phone. She was legally blind, hearing impaired and then dementia happened after she hit her head in the shower. It was a struggle keeping all her “systems” in her home working. I finally put duct tape over all the buttons on the remote except the on/off button, the volume button and the channel button. That helped a lot.

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