Batten Down the Hatches

If you’re on the East Coast, particularly in the southeast, I hope you’re safe, warm and dry. My brother and sister-in-law from Charleston, arrived here last night and my brother and his family from Myrtle Beach are arriving this morning. With Hurricane Dorian knocking at their door, they don’t know what they’ll go back home to, but we’ll make it a party while they’re here.

I finally heard from M’s employer yesterday – and they basically said nothing. They’re still reviewing whether they will be able to accommodate his work restrictions under ADA guidelines . . . so we will see. Isn’t there a song that says “this indecision is killing me”? That’s exactly the way I feel!

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday to get a prescription refilled – why do they want to see you for 15 minutes, just to approve a prescription refill? I laughed at how high the number on the scale is getting (I guess when you stop running and start carb-loading, that ever-rising number is the end result.) I didn’t really say much when my blood pressure was higher than it had ever been before. But when they asked me if I was under any stress? I was suddenly a puddle. You’ve never seen a box of tissues appear so quickly in your life! I think I scared them half to death! What in the world?!?! I think I have all this buttoned down and then WOOSH!!!

End result – I still don’t have any “happy pills” as one of my co-workers calls them, but I did feel better when I left the office. Maybe I need to schedule a good cry every week or so.

If you’re looking for a smile today, here’s a video a friend sent to me yesterday and I have laughed about this all day! In fact, one of my friends said she could hear me saying all these things, and I take that as a supreme compliment! If you’re in the path of Hurricane Dorian, please stay safe!

4 Replies to “Batten Down the Hatches”

  1. I was at my doctor’s office for a prescription refill on Tuesday and totally dissolved into a puddle myself! It’s funny how as soon as they express concern for me I lose it. I wonder how often that happens? (I’m just dealing with work stress. This too shall pass.) Anyway, hope your unexpected family togetherness time is good and that hurricane Dorian turns out to unoccupied seas.

  2. Praying for favor with M’s employer that they will be able to do a reasonable accommodation for him and for peace for you.

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