What DOES a Donkey Say?

We had another good day yesterday! I think this “not working” thing is suiting M just fine. It’s not doing much for our bank account, I must say. I think we’ll be okay, once all the disability leave paperwork gets settled, but that is taking FOREVER!! I’m not sure who is dragging their feet on that one. The insurance company blames the doctors office and the doctors office blames the insurance company. All I know is – M is NOT getting paid.

Last night, I told M that Tuesday was “black plastic bag Tuesday.” I’ve learned my lesson. Instead of saying Monday is recycle day – we say it’s “Blue bin Monday” so he knows that’s the day to put the big blue bin from the garage out at the curb. Then, on Tuesday and Friday, we don’t say it’s trash day, we say it’s “black plastic bag Tuesday/Friday” so he does’t try to take the blue bin back out again, but takes the trash bags out, instead. Hey, it works.

I asked M if he wanted to gather the trash from around the house last night or did he want to wait until Tuesday morning to get it together. He said he wanted to go ahead and gather all the trash Monday night. He went upstairs . . . then I heard the water running in the bathroom and he was taking a shower.

Alrighty then.

When he came back down to the kitchen, I asked about the garbage – was he going to get it all together to go to the street? He said sure, and started around the house, gathering it up.

Our older son asked him to help with some yard work during the day yesterday and, evidently, there were some donkeys in a field next to where they were working. M did the funniest imitation of the donkeys for me last night and couldn’t stop talking about a little one that had charmed him while he was working yesterday. I think it’s a good thing we don’t have any acreage of our own – we just might own some donkeys now!

8 Replies to “What DOES a Donkey Say?”

  1. It’s great you are finding innovative ways to help M do helpful tasks. Hey, I would have loved the donkeys too. I hope the disability comes through really soon for you. That is soooo frustrating.

  2. This warms my heart! And I get the donkey love. I drive by a pasture that sometimes has donkeys in it on my commute and they make me so happy when they are out.

  3. You’re doing so well at adapting to makes things work for you and M. It’s good I don’t have acreage as well, because I would have donkeys too!

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